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The Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge is one of the finest collegiate choirs in the world – known and loved by millions from its broadcasts, concert tours and over 100 commercial recordings.

The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

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St John's College Chapel

St John's College, Cambridge: Chapel & Choirs Department Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement in respect of the Choristers and Probationers

Reviewed January 2024

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Recorded on
9 March 2024


A Meditation on the Passion of Christ is a service of music and readings reflecting on the Passion of Christ. This year the service features music by Byrd, Purcell, Weelkes and MacMillan, as well as the final piece of a triptych of works written for the choir by Joanna Marsh.

Latest news

The King’s Singers recently announced the appointment of Choir alumnus Piers Connor Kennedy as their newest bass, beginning in January 2025. 

The commitment, projection and natural energy of this choir have never failed to inspire me

Organists’ Review